Monthly Archives: April 2011

Skilligimink Highlighters



A Pink Scooter

Pink Scooter

A Pink Scooter — Needs a cloudless, blue-sky day!

Skilligimink Post Office

Paiteago Oifig an Phoist / Pettigo Post Office for H1066 It is located at the village centre.    © Copyright Kenneth Allen and licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons Licence

Paiteago Oifig an Phoist (Pettigo Post Office)

Creative Commons Licence [Some Rights Reserved] © Copyright Kenneth Allen and
licensed for reuse under this Creative Commons License.

This photograph was taken here.

sky-blue-pink advertisement

GFA Advertisement

sky-blue-pink clouds over a farm

This image is from the GFA advertisement. The print copy that showed up at our house is more Skilligimink than the PDF they have on their website (see page 8).

Skilligimink Sunset

Skilligimink Sunset (March 2nd, 2011)

Skilligimink Sunset, Cleveland Heights, March 2nd, 2011

About a month ago (March 2nd, 2011) folks in Cleveland Heights were treated to a spectacularly Skilligimink sunset. The pinks were coming out so far from the horizon that it was absolutely astounding.

Alas, I only had my iPhone’s onboard camera and not my Canon, so you’ll just have to trust me. This wretched photo just doesn’t do it justice.

Sweet Skilligimink

Sweet Skilligimink

Sweet Skilligimink

Susie and the Fairy Carrot – Story XXXI

Susie and the Fairy Carrot

Susie and the Fairy Carrot - Story XXXI

Continuing our exploration of the word Skilligimink, we check in on Howard R. Garis, the author of several books covering the adventures of Uncle Wiggily and his forest friends.

Here is a short chapter from his book “Uncle Wiggily and the Littletails” that shows a usage of the term. Click on to read the chapter, Susie and the Fairy Carrot (pdf).