Monthly Archives: September 2010

Hot Pink Zinnia and Blue Sky

Hot Pink Zinnia and Blue Sky Siber Adam

Hot Pink Zinnia and Blue Sky originally uploaded by Siber Adam

New “favicon.ico” today

We have a new “favicon.ico” today; a little bit more Skilligimink-y, to coin a word.

Skilligimink Favicon.icoA “favicon.ico” is a file, added to a website in such a way that it becomes the site’s bookmark image when saving to one’s bookmark list.

Here’s a closeup of our new one.

I think it captures the idea pretty well.

blue skies and pink umbrellas

Pink and Blue Quilt

A quilt of Pink Hearts and Blue Squares with a pink border

A Pink & Blue Quilt by Janice Doing of "Doing Quilts"

We saw this Pink Hearts and Blue Squares quilt at the Great Geauga County Fair this weekend. You can reach Janice Doing at 440-293-4470 or by looking her up in Andover Ohio. She does “finishing, custom quilts, curtains, wall hangings, instruction, etc.” and by the look of it, she does it well.

blue and pink sky

blue and pink sky, originally uploaded by Wils 888.

blue sky pink

Sky blue pink with yellow dots 181/365