Monthly Archives: August 2010

sky blue pink just needs some yellow dots

sky blue pink just needs some yellow dots
sky blue pink just needs some yellow dots by peter.shaw20

Pink(?) Flamingos


Flamingos at the Cleveland Zoo

Aren’t flamingos supposed to be pink? These must not be enjoying the right diet.



sky-blue-pink skirts

It’s hard to get my girls out of these easy-to-make skirts some days (and here).

World War II Marker

World War II Marker

World War II Marker

This gravestone, the pink flowers and the World War II marker were found in the Leroy Cemetery, off Vrooman Road (County 227) [map].

Not Amused

Not Amused

Gray cat and skilligimink fabric

This cat frequently naps on this pile of skilligimink fabric. She was not amused that I was taking her picture.

Hot Sauce Williams

Hot Sauce Williams

Hot Sauce Williams, 7815 Carnegie Avenue, Cleveland Ohio

Cotton Candy

Cotton Candy

Cotton Candy at the Cleveland Metroparks Zoo on August 16th, 2010

Together, the blue and the pink cotton candy make a perfect Skilligimink.

sky blue pink limo

sky blue pink limo, originally uploaded by paul (england).

Point Betsie Lighthouse – Sky Blue Pink

Pink Bricks and Sky

Pink Bricks and Sky

Pink Bricks and Sky on Cedar Road near Taylor