Monthly Archives: July 2010

Crepe Myrtle

Crepe Myrtle in Gainesville VirginiaA Crepe Myrtle in Gainesville Virginia

Sky Blue Pink with clouds and weathervanes

Sky Blue Pink, originally uploaded by StarrGazr.

Sky-Blue-Pink behind Tree Silhouette

Sky-Blue-Pink, originally uploaded by StarrGazr.

Blue in the Garden (from

An article in the Wall Street Journal declares just how difficult it is to have a true blue in the garden. “Much of what passes for blue in the plant world—lavender, lilac, larkspur—is actually a shade of purple” says the author.

The short of it? Well, it appears that blue molecules are extremely complicated.

Read more from the Wall Street Journal’s article Mad About Blue in the Garden.

Pink Dump Truck

Pink Dump Truck

A Pink Dump Truck

A pink dump truck but the clouds and rain obscure the sky-blue.

Peppermint Chip Ice Cream (homemade)

Peppermint Chip Ice Cream (homemade)

Homemade Peppermint Chip Ice Cream (and chocolate cake)

Sky-blue Hydrangeas

Sky-blue Hydrangeas

Sky-blue Hydrangeas with plenty of Aluminum

It appears that you can get blue Hydrangeas by adding aluminum.

Sky-Blue-Pink House

This house in Painesville Ohio is almost Sky-Blue-Pink. (near 774 Liberty)

Sky-Blue-Pink House in Painesville

This house is almost Sky-Blue-Pink.

Sky-blue-pink at Ball Park

Sky-blue-pink at Ball Park

The sky at dusk from above the home dugout at a Lake Erie Captains ball game.

Neighborly Roses

Neighborly Roses

The neighbors' roses

Alert readers may recognize this as a source of an early banner from this site.